Month: August 2022

Month: August 2022

  • Core Values

    These are the values that define how the organisation functions, how the employees relate to each other, how situations are managed and commitment met with each other and external stakeholders.


    Core values define who becomes a part of the team to who the organisation partners with, to who the organisation sells to and deals with.

    Cocreating the core values for the organisation instills unwavering faith and trust in the system.

    Team that demonstrates core values in day to day dealing at work is the team every owner would dream of.

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  • Vision Workshop

    Team fully immersed in the Vision workshop to craft out the next 3 years vision for the organisation. Example of a co-created vision for a forward thinking family owned business.

    Not a vision creates by a marketing company or owners at a round table. This is VISION crafted by none other than the real stakeholder, the Leadership Team.


    Co created vision creates magic.. full of dreams with deadlines, unnerving energies full of positivity and potential, committments to make it happen, contagious enthusiasm.

    The magic is to be experienced.

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